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Matthew Scafidi and his team at Jellis Craig Whitehorse are the ultimate professionals in Real Estate. With knowledge and a care for the community we live in, you can trust in Jellis Craig.
We thank Jellis Craig as our premium and major partner of Heatherdale Cricket Club
For all your banking needs, look no further than Blackburn South Community Bank. Peter Grierson and his team have a supreme understanding of community and will do everything they can to make your banking easier than ever before. As a Gold partner of our Club, pop in and say hello to commence a conversation. in 1987, Menzclub is a boutique menswear brand that has grown to become one of Australia’s most respected men’s fashion brands and clothing stores.
Joe and his team in Eastland, Ringwood will deliver amazing customer service and fine clothing for whatever event you're in the market for.
Quote Heatherdale Cricket Club for some amazing discounts. and his team at Engage 1 on 1 Psychology provide mental health services to children, adolescents, adults, couples and families. They are heavily involved in local schools and provide a wonderful service to our community.
Engage 1 on 1 Psychology will be down at many functions throughout the course of the season so please do say hello. Restaurant Bar support your Dales and are located on Whitehorse Road in Mitcham.
Bucatini Restaurant is open for takeaway and delivery orders from 5PM every day as well as Ivan's pizza restaurant Nero's Pizza is a progressive boutique Cricket brand originating in 2010 with a respect for the traditions of the game whilst always keeping an eye on the future.
Icon have come on board in Season 2018-19 to be our main apparel sponsor.
To order equipment from Icon, you can visit their website and use the Club Discount code of HCC2021 to get a 10% discount. Nutrition Circle is all about educating and inspiring people to live a better, balanced life through the nurturing of food
The best in the business, Carla and Emma are fully accredited and tailor a plan that will work for you to stay fit and healthy in your life. you to Vermont Pizzeria!
We have all enjoyed the magnificent pizza's on a Thursday and the odd late Saturday night. Thank you John and Leanne for you support! Serving your Heatherdale family for whenever you need.